Johannes Holter started at GN Tobacco Enköping, a snus factory in Enköping, when the pandemic began. Starting a new job while everyone wore facemasks wasn't ideal he says. However, facemasks are standard attire in GN Tobacco's Enköping factory, where they among other brands manufacture Siberia, Odens and White Fox.
Benny Sundvall joined GN Tobacco, one of the world's largest snus factories located in Enköping, Sweden, eight years ago. As so many others, he started as an operator running machines that package the produced snus and other tobacco products like chewing tobacco. Benny likes living in Enköping, where the snus factory is the second largest private employer. And it gives him plenty of time to do what he likes the most, hitting the gym.
Nathalia Härdström started working at GN Tobacco Sweden AB almost seven years ago. She began her career in one of the few snus factories worldwide located in Enköping. Like many of her coworkers at GN Tobacco, Nathalia's first job involved making snus, smokeless tobacco products, such as […]
In just the past few years, the demand for smokeless tobacco alternatives has soared. From having been a niche product only available in some parts of the world, like Sweden, products like snus have become available all over the world. And the demand has risen sharply. What is the reason behind this rapid development? According […]
Issues? Yes. Strenghts? Oh yes! In today’s globalized world, a culturally and ethnically diverse workforce is becoming the norm rather than the exception. At GN Tobacco, a leading global manufacturer of smokeless tobacco products and nicotine pouches, people from 27 different nations are working together in a high-tech factory environment. And here, it takes diversity […]
When Sweden’s newest political force, Folklistan (The Peoples’List) was formed by two of the best-known politicians in the country, they quickly whipped up a mission statement including a number of items to be introduced one by one. Item #7 turned out to be an initiative to make the EU give up their resistance towards smokeless tobacco like snus. The […]
GN Tobacco Sweden AB's booming snus business draws a steady stream of people to its cutting-edge snusfabrik (snus factory) near Enköping. With close to 300 staff members, plus partners and guests, Madlin Marouki runs the front desk making sure everyone gets a warm welcome and a friendly smile. As the family-owned company's most familiar face in Enköping, we had a quick chat with Madlin.